
Watch WHY we're building this trail!

Statesboro Will Connect to Savannah via Georgia Hi-Lo Trail

As part of the plan to connect rural Georgia with the longest paved trail in the U.S., the nonprofit Georgia Hi-Lo Trail is making progress in Statesboro. When complete the trail will expand from Athens to Savannah, Georgia. Even better, the bigger purpose is to enhance the local economies of southeast Georgia.

Hear the latest as WTOC11 reporter Olivia Wright visits Statesboro to see their plan to connect the S&S trail to Savannah via the the Georgia Hi-Lo Trail. The S&S trail near downtown Statesboro will be the halfway marker on the Hi-Lo trail. Read the story on WTOC or watch the segment here.


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Meet Mary Charles Howard

Learn more about our Georgia Hi-Lo Trail journey from the Georgia Hi-Lo Trial founder Mary Charles Howard in this interview with Voyage ATL.